Saturday, November 8, 2008


The GPC conference was an excellent time to reflect, chat and seek out new knowledge. I am staggered about how much knowledge people hold. What I have come to realise is that it is important to be yourself. All the principals are doing things differently and we synthesise ideas and put these into practice in so many different ways, yet the values and beliefs of all principals was very similar. What then became so important was "how do you do things" what ideas, and actions do you use that I could replicate. The sharing sessions were honest and these were followed up by the multiple "unconference" conversations.
I saw how Principals need the big picture and it was great to see how everyone has cleverly thought through their systems, there was a lot of "blue" in the room. 
The absolute belief for strong values within a school community was blindingly obvious but with this group the great thing is that is isn't just "talk".

So what are the quick conclusions:
We do things different and thats OK.
Communication with colleagues, staff, community, kids, is paramount.
Being wrong is OK.
Take time to smell the roses.
Its about PEOPLE.
he tangata he tangata he tangata

1 comment:

Becc said...

I agree that there are so many people out there who know so much - it gets daunting sometimes!! I always like to ask principals why they choose to do things the way they do - and what made them choose their way over another way that is also seen as good. It's about finding out what works best and how you go about choosing the best way for your school, students, teachers and you. I am always curious about what lies behind our choices.